Monday, Aug. 23, 2004
Q&A With Seth Green
By Rebecca Winters
Austin Powers' evil son Seth Green stars in Without a Paddle.
There are multiple Seth Green action figures. That's better than an Oscar, isn't it?
There's a 12-in. doll coming out that I'm pretty excited about. I'm a fan of toys. I have three boxes of the Austin Powers one, two of the Buffy [the Vampire Slayer] ones.
You started acting at 7. At 30, you still haven't been arrested. What's your secret?
I've been allowed to be a character actor from the time I was very young. I've never had a catchphrase. I was basically allowed to just grow up.
In this film, a bear mistakes you for its cub. You look genuinely freaked.
[The trainers] make you afraid with all the things you're not supposed to do. You can't look the bear in the eye. You can't have any food on you. You can't chew gum. You're thinking, "How trained is this bear? If I have a jelly bean in my pocket, he'll maul everyone on the set."
Do you get recognized?
Every day. I don't elicit the kind of reaction that Tom Cruise does. An alarming number of people want to smoke pot with me. A lot of the things I've done, people who smoke a lot of pot find funny or entertaining. I wonder what that means.