Monday, Jul. 26, 2004


The Radical Mind of Thomas Jefferson

"More than a patriot, Jefferson was a visionary statesman with just enough tenderness to make him a historic but flawed human being." NELSON ALBA North Miami Beach, Fla.

Thomas Jefferson was the closest thing to a genius that we have ever had in the White House [July 5]. His dream of human liberty will not be realized until everyone on the planet is free. Liberty, democracy and peace are closely related, and perhaps they will come together at some time for the entire world. With regard to his affair with the slave Sally Hemings: Jefferson was one in a line of Presidents who have committed indiscretions, but we should not allow those actions to overshadow great deeds. CLAUDE MARTIN Tucson, Ariz.

Your stories wonderfully captured the essence of one of our great leaders. Jefferson was human in every sense, and his spirit and influence live on today. KRISTINE MURRAY Eden Prairie, Minn.

America's greatness lies in the fact that its founders were students of the Enlightenment philosophers Locke and Spinoza, whose political thinking formed the basis for the Declaration of Independence. I wonder if President George W. Bush or Senator John Kerry has ever read any of their works? Perhaps each party should select its presidential candidate through a series of tests and interviews rather than campaigns determined by the size of its war chest. That would enable us to elect another philosopher President, like Jefferson. ROBERT J. POHL Canonsburg, Pa.

When people talk about Jefferson's accomplishments, credit must also be given to the black slaves at Monticello, as their combined efforts gave Jefferson the time to do all that he did. WILLIAM DODD BROWN Chicago

Why are so many people mystified by the contradictions in Jefferson's life? Seneca was a corrupt statesman who wrote works glorifying morality. When asked how he could reconcile such contradictory views, he answered that he was certainly better than someone who was corrupt and wrote books glorifying immorality. Jefferson was not corrupt, but he preached the sublimity of liberty and yet was a slave owner. Jefferson could have given an answer similar to Seneca's. ANGELO A. DE GENNARO San Antonio, Texas

Without George Washington we would not have had a nation, but without Jefferson we would not have had a democracy. MERRICK CAREY Arlington, Va.

Fighting Words

In "Plenty More To Swear About" [July 5], columnist Joe Klein noted that Vice President Dick Cheney deployed the F word against Patrick Leahy on the Senate floor. Cheney later commented that he felt better afterward. He may be right. I uttered the same obscenity at Cheney, and it made me feel better too. LOUK WIJSEN Alameda, Calif.

Looking the Other Way

Sudan's Arab Janjaweed, the country's government-backed militiamen, have declared war on the black Africans of Sudan [July 5] and begun a virtual genocide against those defenseless people. Didn't the nations of the world say "Never again" after the Holocaust of the 1940s, the starvation of Biafrans in the '60s, the slaughter of Cambodians in the '70s and the wanton butchery in Rwanda in 1994? What does it take for the world to act? The U.N. is ineffectual, the European Union is asleep and Arab nations live in denial. If we Americans continue to allow genocide to repeat decade after decade, how long will it be before that crime arrives on our own shores? MICHAEL BUSSIO Scotts Valley, Calif.

The Atrocities in Sudan are reminiscent of those in Rwanda 10 years ago. The U.S. is hesitant to step in because the Sudanese government is willing to help in the war against al-Qaeda, but does that mean we should sit back and watch as children starve to death? We spend millions to rebuild a country that despises us--and gladly murders our soldiers and beheads our citizens--but we leave other people in desperate need to fend for themselves. KERRYANN BOLTON Silver Spring, Md.

Fomenting Fundamentalism

"Meet The New Jihad," on the Islamic insurgency in Iraq [July 5], provided another example of the folly of U.S. foreign policy regarding Islamic nations during the past 50 years. The U.S. helped arrange the overthrow of Iran's democratically elected President, Mossadegh, supported the autocratic Shah and wound up with a fundamentalist Islamic state. Our opposition to Soviet influence in Afghanistan led to the creation of the Taliban. In the process we aided and empowered Osama bin Laden. We have given uncritical support to Israel and as a result made a viable Palestinian state a virtual impossibility. We launched a unilateral and pre-emptive war on Iraq on the basis of false claims, enraging the entire Islamic world, and now a new jihad has developed against us there. Will our foreign policy again midwife a new fundamentalist state into existence? JOHN A. BERTSCHE Normal, Ill.

So "A TIME investigation reveals how insurgents in Iraq aim to create an Islamic state and turn the country into a terrorist haven"? Congratulations. You have discovered the status quo. MICHAEL TOMLIN Boise, Idaho

Your investigation delineated the hideous, Taliban-like attitudes of the insurgents based on the outskirts of Fallujah. Those terrorists must be defeated. They unsettle the serenity of the people of Iraq in particular and global peace in general. Iraqis should cooperate with U.S. forces to vanquish fanatic terrorist groups, because they are stumbling blocks to peace. A. VINOO FABIAN Bangalore, India

I was surprised that your reporter could write a story from inside the insurgency. I doubt that such coverage is helpful to the Iraqi or coalition forces. Giving attention to the rebels makes them feel important and encourages them to do more harm to civilized people. MARUF RAHMAN St.-Lo, France

The Iraq war is being portrayed as an unmitigated disaster. If that's the only drumbeat the American public hears, many people are going to feel apprehensive and negative about it. My parents told me that after World War II, many cases of brutality and viciousness occurred in Europe--like the aftershocks of an earthquake. But eventually order was restored and life in dictator-free societies was allowed to thrive. That is the reality of war. You don't have instant peace, affluence and harmony just because a document has been signed. I am convinced that the result, perhaps many years away, will be a free and democratic Iraq that will benefit the world. CHRISTA GRUNINGER Vancouver

President Bush has carried out a war in Iraq that has brought more harm than good to the U.S. economy and the world. Now that sovereignty has been handed back to the Iraqis, the only thing for Americans to do is leave the country immediately before something more terrible than Sept. 11 happens. ANENE EZIAFA Anambra, Nigeria

Democratic Demographics

"Leaving Blacks Cold" [July 5] reported that most African Americans are unimpressed by John Kerry's presidential campaign. But Kerry needs only to make himself known to black voters. Their dislike of Bush alone ought to make the difference in the election. Those of us on this side of the Atlantic are tired of seeing the face of a man who has lied so much to his people and to the rest of the world. IGNATIUS ADEH Bremen, Germany

Every four years, Democrats appeal to us black voters, and our hopes are raised; then they forget us, and we grumble. Another election, and the game begins anew. African Americans and Democrats are in a marriage of convenience: we live under the same roof, but black folk sleep on the couch night after night, for four years at a time. Yet tonight, and until Election Day, the bedroom door is open. For better or for worse, till death do us part, we're married. But, honey, it doesn't mean we're happy about it. LAWRENCE R. CRUMPTON Sydney