Monday, Jun. 21, 2004
3,000 Estimated number of people per hour who filed past former President Ronald Reagan's coffin in Washington last week
$423 million Cost of a day off for the U.S. federal work force on Friday, the day of Reagan's funeral
$150 Cost of a jar of jelly beans bearing Reagan's signature on eBay
45% Decline in terrorist attacks since 2001, to the lowest level in 34 years, as reported by the State Department in April. The department now says its 2003 figures were incorrect
35% Increase in terrorist attacks since 2001, to the highest level in 20 years, according to analysis supplied by Democratic Congressman Henry A. Waxman last week
200 Number of objects identified by Rico, a border collie whose IQ is comparable to that of a 3-year-old child, according to a report in Science
70% Rico's accuracy rate in identifying an object that was not in his 200-word vocabulary
Washington Post; Los Angeles Times; CNN/MONEY; Los Angeles Times (2); Washington Post (2)