Monday, May. 17, 2004
14 million Number of documents classified as secret by the U.S. government in 2003
8 million Number of documents classified as secret in 2001
111 Number of complaints filed with the Federal Communications Commission in 2000 about potentially indecent material
240,350 Complaints filed in 2003, mainly by mass mailings organized by groups like the Parents Television Council
$104 million Winning bid for Boy with a Pipe, an early work by Pablo Picasso, making it the most expensive painting ever sold at auction
$11 million Sotheby's commission on the sale
$82.5 million The old record price, paid by a Japanese billionaire in a 1990 auction for Van Gogh's Portrait of Dr. Gachet
$39.93 Cost per barrel of crude oil at last week's close, the first time the oil price has been this high since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990
38% Proportion of people in the market for a car who say gas prices have affected the type of vehicle they will buy
Sources: Washington Post (2); Washington Times (2); N.Y. Daily News (2); N.Y. Times; Bloomberg; Harris Interactive