Monday, Apr. 26, 2004


$227,490 Federal income tax paid by President Bush and his wife Laura in 2003, on an adjusted gross income of $822,126

$268,719 Federal income tax paid by the First Couple in 2002, on an adjusted gross income of $856,056

$9.1 million Opening-weekend earnings for Disney's The Alamo, which put it in fourth place at the box office

$140 million Estimated production and marketing costs for the film

$6.5 million Record for the most money raised in a single day of fund raising, set by the presumed Democratic nominee for President, Senator John Kerry, on April 14 in New York City

$5.5 million Previous record, set by President Bush last September in Chicago and Cincinnati

600,000 Number of words in GOAT, a tribute to Muhammad Ali; the book weighs 75 lbs. and is the largest ever published

$7,500 Price of one of the first 1,000 copies

Sources: AP (4); Kansas City Star (2); USA Today (2)