Monday, Apr. 12, 2004
308,000 Number of jobs created in March, the fastest rate of job growth in four years
125,000 Number of jobs most analysts had expected to be created that month
$50 million Amount raised by John Kerry's campaign from January through March, including $26 million raised online
$34 million Total amount raised by Al Gore during his entire 2000 primary campaign
$28.5 million Total raised by Bill Clinton during his 1996 campaign
1,013 Number of men admitted to Harvard's fall 2004 freshman class
1,016 Number of women admitted, the first time admittances for women have outnumbered those for men in the school's history
18.9%, 10.3%, 9.5% Proportion of accepted students who are Asian American, African American and Latino, respectively, a record number for each group
Sources: AP (3); U.S. Newswire (2) Harvard University (5)