Monday, Apr. 12, 2004
Q&A With Ricky Gervais
By Rebecca Winters
Ricky Gervais created and stars in The Office, on BBC America, winner of two Golden Globes. The second season is out on DVD April 20.
A U.S. version of The Office is in the works, but don't the British shows that cross the pond usually stink?
I think you always have an affection for what you saw first. [The producers] should aim it at the 249 million Americans who haven't seen our version.
What's the difference between English and U.S. audiences?
English people want to knock you down more. Americans encourage success. British people don't think it'll happen to them and don't like it to happen to someone else.
Any advice for the Tims of the world--underachievers stuck in mediocre jobs?
Leave. You'll never be happy there. Don't wait till you're 65 and then go, "Oh, I was meant to write a book." I dunno, breed tropical fish.
You were on Alias. You're going to be on The Simpsons. You can be the token Brit on every American show.
I know. That's what worries me. A butler. Always a butler.