Monday, Apr. 12, 2004
Table of Contents
10 QUESTIONS: William F. Buckley on right-wing kooks, John Kerry and The Passion of the Christ 8
NOTEBOOK: What Condoleezza Rice will tell us about 9/11, Bush 41's birthday bash, policing baseball fashion 17
IN THE ARENA: Joe Klein on Kerry's best strategy for these partisan times 25
Rage in Fallujah U.S. officials vow to retaliate for the brutal murder and mutilation of four American civilians in Iraq. But can anything quell the simmering anger of Iraqis? 26
Soldiers for Hire A look inside the shadowy world of the private armies that now patrol the war zones 32
ISRAELI DIRECTION: Bruised battler Ariel Sharon tries to orchestrate a pullout from Gaza even as he faces a possible indictment over bribery 34
Indecision 2004 Both candidates have been known to change their mind, so why is President Bush the consistency candidate--and how can John Kerry lose his reputation as a waffler? 36
FOUND BUT STILL LOST: Why a college student in Wisconsin appears to have faked her own abduction 41
I Want My Slim TV Why plasma is the toast of the tech sector 42
THE TYCO MISTRIAL: A first-person account of a dysfunctional panel, by Juror No. 11 47
TRUMPED? Casino woes cast doubts on the Donald's managerial skills 50
Michael Elliott challenges Samuel Huntington's view of immigration 52
Why Did Jesus Die? Mel Gibson's film and Holy Week prompt believers to explore a still thorny query: Exactly what was the divine calculus by which the Crucifixion saved humanity? 54
Video Why Hollywood's big names are now "game" 62
RADIO: New liberal gabfest 66
MUSIC: Prince's comeback 68
BOOKS: Portraits of Stalin and Joseph Califano 69
LIFESTYLE: Fashion's Latin lines, Buddha manga, spray-on hose 77
HEALTH: Bad buckyballs, suspect supplements, measles moment 78
MONEY: Gas gambits, credit cards get PIN-pricked, Google mail 81
PEOPLE: The war to play Janis, Bob Dylan shills panties, Ricky Gervais on dealing with desk jobs 83
ESSAY: Michael Kinsley on the hazards of big-time punditry 84
COVER: Christ Carrying the Cross, by Andrea Solario. From Scala/Art Resource, NY