Monday, Mar. 08, 2004

Where Do They Stand On Gay Marriage?

By Mitch Frank

GEORGE BUSH Running for his party's nomination in 2000, Bush opposed gay marriage but said individual states "can do what they want to." That was before "activist judges" got involved. Now the President backs a constitutional amendment that would strictly define marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

JOHN KERRY Kerry opposes gay marriage but supports civil unions. He's against a federal amendment that would outlaw gay marriage but would support amending the Massachusetts constitution to do so, as long as it grants civil unions to gay couples and bestows on them the same legal benefits that straight couples receive under state law.

HOW MUCH DO THEY DIFFER? Both men reject same-sex marriages but would allow states to offer civil unions. That would not give gay couples access to the benefits married couples receive from 1,138 different federal statutes, however. Both appear to be trying to satisfy their bases without turning off swing voters. --By Mitch Frank