Monday, Mar. 01, 2004
"We are leaving one track, but we are going on another track that will take back America for ordinary people." HOWARD DEAN, onetime front runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, withdrawing from the race
"I think he's nuts." GERALD MCENTEE, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, who withdrew his endorsement of Dean and says he unsuccessfully urged Dean to drop out of the race before the Wisconsin primary
"The President is not a statistician." SCOTT MCCLELLAN, White House press secretary, after the Bush Administration backed away from its earlier forecast that the U.S. economy would gain 2.6 million jobs this year
"This case is going to be decided by 12 decent people sitting in a courtroom in a court of law with real witnesses, with real evidence ... and not with scapegoats." DANIEL PETROCELLI, lawyer for former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling, who pleaded not guilty to 35 counts of conspiracy, securities fraud, wire fraud and insider trading
"We are witnessing the coup d'etat machine in motion." YVON NEPTUNE, Prime Minister of Haiti, urging international help to put down the uprising that threatens to topple the regime of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide
"Hey, Verizon, can you hear us now? " JOHN ZEGLIS, chairman and CEO of AT&T Wireless, after accepting a $41 billion bid from Cingular Wireless that will create the U.S.'s largest cellular-phone company
"They're like the Taliban. They're the vegetarian Taliban." VERONICA ATKINS, widow of high-protein-diet doctor Robert Atkins, after a pro-vegetarian physicians' group obtained her late husband's medical records and released them to the press
"The big answer is, We all did. I'll be first in the culpability stakes here." MEL GIBSON, director of the controversial film The Passion of the Christ, when asked by TV's Diane Sawyer who killed Jesus Christ
Sources: Associated Press; New York Times (2); CNN; Associated Press; USA Today; NBC; ABC