Monday, Feb. 02, 2004
Table of Contents
Plotting terrorism from a Pakistani prison; why Tony Blair is in trouble; the Salvation Army's mixed blessing; cell phones as guns; gay couples barred from an Atlanta golf club 23
MILESTONES: Farewell to Ann Miller and Helmut Newton 29
IN THE ARENA: Joe Klein contrasts the stark lyricism of the young John Kerry with the stiff style of the self-conscious speechmaker who wants to be President today 31
Shopping for a President In the post-Iowa shake-up, voters must choose from among Kerry's steadiness, Edwards' sunniness, Clark's uniform and Dean's heat. A little of each is good, but the Dems get only one 32
WOOING BLACKS: Are Democrats changing how they court African-American voters? 40
The Man Who Would Be Kingmaker Iraq's future government may hinge on one ayatullah. Can the U.S. win his trust? 54
The Pharmaceutical Fix TIME's Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele ask why Americans pay so much for prescription drugs--and find greedy pillmakers and pandering politicians to blame 42
VET RX: The Department of Veterans Affairs negotiates drug bargains. Why can't Medicare? 50
Higher Learning Christian colleges are booming--and redefining faith-based education 58
Cats vs. Pats Sideline superheroes John Fox and Bill Belichick prepare for a Super Bowl showdown 63
Nouveau Retro VH1 is Gen X nostalgia central 64
FASHION: Couture struts from Paris to Oscar's red carpet 68
APPRECIATION: Thank you and adieu to Captain Kangaroo 70
TECHNOLOGY: Spam becomes spim; Movie Karaoke; Beatles redux 77
HEALTH: Alzheimer's hope; lower-fat Atkins; antidepressants for kids 78
LIFESTYLE: Dinner's got game; better cell service?; wearing stingrays 81
PEOPLE: Farrah '04; court clothes; Ben and Jen finis; a tauter PM 83
ESSAY: Andrew Sullivan on President Bush as national nanny 84
COVER: Photo-Illustration for TIME by Arthur Hochstein