Monday, Oct. 06, 2003
Table of Contents
October 6, 2003 Vol. 162, No. 14
10 QUESTIONS: Bill O'Reilly on his new book, fatherhood and why Al Franken deserved to get sued 8
Telemarketing hangs on; a Louisiana political surprise; moonshine hazards 17
IN THE ARENA: Joe Klein asks, What would Bill Clinton do? 27
GETTING IRAQ WRONG Bureaucratic infighting, poor intelligence and wishful thinking all led to the Bush Administration's miscalculations on Iraq. Now it's going to cost the U.S. plenty 30
THE WEAPONS ENIGMA Iraqi scientists tell TIME that the WMD were long-ago destroyed 38
INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE: John F. Dickerson on President Bush's strategy for a rebound 45
SPIES AMONG US The espionage probe in Guantanamo Bay raises security questions 46
DELL GOES HOME The top computer maker wants to sell you flat-screen TVs and MP3 players. Should Sony be quaking? 48
HYPOCHONDRIA Doctor, I have this pain... New research suggests that hypochondriacs do have a disease--hypochondria--and it may be treatable 54
INSIDE FOOD LABS Tour the high-tech kitchens where scientists create the food-like substances you'll be savoring tomorrow 56
KIRTAN RAISING: An antiphonal form of yoga gets an American accent and fills small arenas 62
EL GRECO Those images of ecstasy and agony make the 16th century painter seem a figure of our time 64
TELEVISION: In Miss Match, Alicia Silverstone is no longer clueless 66
THEATER: The post-9/11 genre 68
BOOKS: The reclusive Gary Larson gets a visit from our Joel Stein 71
MOVIES: Jack Black rocks! 73
TECHNOLOGY: An even smarter smart phone; when TiVo and DVDS get hitched; shopping portals 87
HEALTH: Plastic surgery for ethnic minorities; don't blame high heels for osteoarthritis 88
MONEY: Happiness is knowing that money can't buy it; deflecting inflation; credit-card "rewards" 90
PEOPLE: Halle Berry takes a catnap; Bruce Willis takes Iraq; Prince Harry takes Australia 93
ESSAY: Claudia Wallis wants to know when girls' back-to-school wear began including thongs 94 THE BOYS OF AUTUMN Just in time for the start of baseball's postseason, we look back at 100 years of the World Series. See this Wednesday for our picks of the greatest players and moments in Series history, plus six reasons the Fall Classic is the best championship in sports. Also, see all of TIME's baseball covers of the past 80 years. At
COVER: Photograph for TIME by Brooks Kraft--Corbis
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