Monday, Sep. 29, 2003
The Battle Of The Bands
By Kate Novack
The Democratic presidential race is starting to get down to serious decision time. Whom will voters go for, Dave Matthews or Michael Bolton? They are among the pop stars who are lining up to raise money or otherwise lend their support to one candidate or another. Here's a rundown of who's backing whom--and whether the matches make any political sense. --By Kate Novack
MOBY FOR JOHN KERRY The electronic rocker has already performed twice for him this month. One rock star who makes even Kerry look charismatic.
MICHAEL BOLTON FOR RICHARD GEPHARDT An easy-listening image for the House leader; Tony Bennett has also sung at a fund raiser. Is this the feisty new ("This President is a miserable failure") Gephardt?
WILLIE NELSON FOR DENNIS KUCINICH A country-and-western legend for the Dems' farmer-friendly candidate. Admit it: you'd vote for Willie as Secretary of Agriculture
DAVE MATTHEWS FOR HOWARD DEAN Matthews was front and center at an August rally in New York City. Roots rocker and Vermont maverick--a match made in heaven
JAMES BROWN FOR AL SHARPTON The Reverend was once the Godfather of Soul's road manager. With these moves, why not?