Monday, Sep. 15, 2003
"This President is a miserable failure on foreign policy." RICHARD GEPHARDT, Missouri Congressman and Democratic candidate for President, in the first debate of the campaign
"The coalition will not be dissuaded from its mission in Iraq--not by sabotage, not by snipers and not by terrorists with car bombs." DONALD RUMSFELD, Secretary of Defense, in a taped address to the Iraqi people
"I expect a great reward in heaven. I am looking forward to glory." PAUL HILL, former minister convicted of killing an abortion doctor and his escort, on the eve of his execution
"To do that job you need to be mentally disturbed; you need psychic disturbances." SILVIO BERLUSCONI, Italian Prime Minister, who has faced a litany of corruption charges, referring to prosecuting judges in his country
"This has been an awakening for me. I know people are upset, and it's not fun hearing it day in and day out." GRAY DAVIS, California Governor, on the recall election he faces
"America is something like a dumb puppy that has big teeth--that can bite and hurt you, aggressive." JOHNNY DEPP, American actor who lives in France, in an interview with a German magazine. He later said the quote was taken out of context and that he merely meant the U.S. is "a very young country, and we are still growing as a nation"
"Honestly, I think we should just trust our President in every decision that he makes, and we should just support that." BRITNEY SPEARS, pop star, responding to a question from CNN analyst Tucker Carlson on whether she supported the war in Iraq
"Are you sure we are not at Wimbledon?" ANASTASIA MYSKINA, Russian tennis player, on the extensive rain delays at this year's U.S. Open
Sources: AP; Washington Post; London Times; Los Angeles Times; Reuters; CNN; New York Times