Monday, Aug. 11, 2003
2.4% Percentage growth in GDP of the U.S. for the second quarter of 2003, after two quarters of 1.4% growth
44.1% Percentage increase in defense spending in the second quarter, the fastest rise since 1951, during the Korean War
3.5% Average size of pay increases workers can expect this year, according to a recent survey; the lowest in three decades
$27 Weekly pay increase, before taxes, this raise will give a worker on a $40,000 salary
17% Percentage increase since 1999 in HIV diagnoses among gay and bisexual men
39% Percentage of gay and bisexual men interviewed online who admitted to having had unprotected sex with someone they met on the Internet
21% Percentage of service visits to Buick dealerships that are for repairs rather than routine maintenance
48% Percentage of service visits to Mercedes dealerships that are for repairs rather than routine maintenance
Sources: Reuters; AP; Reuters; USA Today