Monday, Jul. 28, 2003


149 U.S. combat death toll in Iraq this year, as of July 19

147 Total number of combat deaths in the first Gulf War

$455 billion Record budget deficit forecast for this year, according to White House estimates

$242 billion Amount of surplus originally projected for this year in a White House estimate in 2001

$290 billion Previous record for the deficit, set in 1992 under the first President Bush

14% Percentage increase in the number of people killed in SUV rollover crashes last year, compared with 2001

20% Percentage increase in the number of fatal crashes involving drivers 70 or older from 1991 to 2001

30.2% Percentage of those who abuse the elderly who are spouses or partners

4.4% Percentage of abusers who work in facilities where the elderly reside

Sources: AP; Newsday; AP; National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; National Center on Elder Abuse