Monday, May. 26, 2003


90% Percentage of the world's populations of large predatory fish, including tuna, cod and swordfish, wiped out by industrialized fishing

15 Estimated number of years it takes a fish community to become depleted

$20,639 Average cost of a four-month extramarital affair, including getaways and gifts

$5,025 Estimated legal fees for a divorce filing

1.26 million Number of traffic-accident deaths worldwide each year

310,000 Number of deaths worldwide each year caused by wars and conflicts

7.1 Rating for the Tonight Show on Monday when Today show anchor Katie Couric sat in for Jay Leno

5.0 Leno's average Monday-night rating

75% Percentage of Americans who report they can't get out of bed in the morning

64% Percentage who say their body clock wakes them up on the weekend

Sources: Nature, Nielsen, Men's Health, Reuters, Zest/Procter & Gamble