Monday, Mar. 24, 2003

Blowin' In The Wind

By Josh Tyrangiel

It may not exactly be the 1960s, but when it comes to opinions on a possible war in Iraq, the music world is playing true to form. Folk singers and rappers are weighing in, predictably, with a chorus of pro-peace songs, while at least one country crooner is primed to search and destroy. Here's a roundup of the war tunes in the air. --By Josh Tyrangiel

JOHN MELLENCAMP To Washington Available at:

Sample lyric: "What is the thought process to take a human's life?/What would be the reason to think that this is right?"

Review: Spare folk arrangement fits the simple, evocative lyrics [4 peace signs]

BILLY BRAGG The Price of Oil Available at:

Sample lyric: "If it's freeing the Iraqi people you're after/Then why have we waited so long?"

Review: A slow, Guthrie-esque delivery makes the history lesson palatable [3 peace signs]

BEASTIE BOYS In a World Gone Mad Available at:

Sample lyric: "We need health care more than going to war/You think it's democracy they're fighting for?"

Review: With overexplicit lyrics and an unmelodic backing track, it's the Super Bowl Shuffle of antiwar songs [1 peace sign]

CLINT BLACK I Raq and Roll Available at:

Sample lyric: "It might be a smart bomb; they find stupid people too/If you stand with the likes of Saddam, one just might find you."

Review: Belligerence that makes you long for the subtlety of Toby Keith [2 hawks]