Vol. 161 No. 11
Opening with A Bang
(Iraq / War Plans)
The Pentagon believes--and prays--an awesome first act would enable U.S. forces to quickly take down Iraq
Straight Shooter
(Iraq / The General)
He hates the spotlight, but Tommy Franks is about to take center stage against Iraq
His Lonely March
(Iraq / Diplomacy)
Bush would love as much support as possible against Iraq, but in the end he requires only his own resolve
Any Day Now...
(Iraq / The Troops)
U.S. troops massing at Saddam's door train, play touch football, get baptized and feel tedium--and fear. A view from the front
The Biggest Fish of Them All
(Osama bin Laden)
Now that terrorist mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is snagged and al-Qaeda is damaged, authorities are angling anew to land Osama bin Laden
Islam After bin Laden
(Osama bin Laden)
Advice for the U.S.: Don't make al-Qaeda's leader a martyr
Strike Force
(Iraq / War Plans)
A TIME GUIDE The U.S. and Britain are deploying a big-bang invasion of 250,000 troops to attack from land and sea
How The War Might Be Waged
(Iraq / War Plans)
Plans call for a front-loaded invasion so devastating, it would shock Iraq's army into surrendering and leave Saddam Hussein defenseless
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Iran's Nuclear Threat
Soaring Oil Prices: Another Culprit?
Avoiding Another Michigan
Did NASA Waive Safety?
29 Years Ago In Time
"He Had No Respect for Our Military Then"
The President's father on Saddam, the first Gulf War and what his son faces now
The Right to Wear T Shirts
Let's not trample the Constitution in our march against terrorism
The Poker Player in Chief
The NBA'S Global Game Plan
As the world's best hoopsters flock to the U.S., the sport grows more popular--and profitable--abroad
Out of the Closet and On to Fraternity Row
(On The Campus / Florida International University)
Gay college kids are making their brotherhood official on U.S. campuses
Diva Las Vegas
(Show Business)
CELINE DION got a new theater and millions of dollars to perform in Vegas. Now, if someone could just figure out what her show is about
But Crazy in A Good Way
Crispin Glover gets his first big role, with rats
Operation Desert Sequel
Sci Fi Channel follows up its hit mini-series Dune, hoping to show that space sagas aren't just for geeks
Total Eclipse of the Heart
In Scott Spencer's irresistible novel, love brings the world crashing down, and not just on the lovers
The Dreamy Pull of Stars
An engaging fantasy about our celebrity fixation has sport with--and sympathy for--the famous
America: Land of the Red, White and Rose
A surprising number of states are producing surprisingly good wines
As Thongs Fade, Briefs Are Back
Tips from the Safety Chick
(60-Second Synopsis)
Three for the Road
Test-drive the new PDAs: they call, they browse, they e-mail and make music
A Cool Blue Game Boy
Preventing Polyps
Looking for a drug to ward off cancer, doctors find one in the medicine chest
Do Implants Trigger Suicide?
Into the Spotlight
(Time Bonus Section / Generations)
Theater gives seniors an outlet for self-expression, therapy, socializing and sheer fun
Fitness Guru
(Time Bonus Section / Generations)
Presidential spokesman Lynn Swann sets the tone
Pioneering In Space
(Time Bonus Section / Generations)
Decades after his discovery of Earth's radiation belts, James Van Allen is still hard at work
Providing For Parents
(Time Bonus Section / Generations)
The "sandwich generation" looks for new solutions
How I Got It
(Time Bonus Section / Generations)
The newsman recalls having to drop out of college in order to find a career
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