Monday, Mar. 10, 2003

Brie? Non, Merci!

By Harriet Barovick

Are Americans really ready to give up their Dior gowns to protest French policy on Iraq? The answer mostly seems to be non. Women's Wear Daily reports no drop-off in sales of luxury French designers like Chanel at New York City department stores. The town of Paris, Texas, which proudly displays its French connection, left, is not changing its name. And IHOP says anti-French fervor has not hurt its new breakfast-menu item, Stuffed French Toast. "French toast really has nothing to do with France," notes an IHOP spokesman. "This has been our most successful new product." But what about other French fare? --By Harriet Barovick

FRENCH CHEESE Some restaurants have put their Bries and Camemberts on the back of the shelf. High-end cheese seller reports a 15% decline in sales to the U.S. in recent weeks

FRANCESTINKS.COM This week the website, whose raison d'etre is to punish countries labeled part of the "Axis of Weasels," will launch a campaign urging Americans to dump their French wines and champagnes

FREEDOM FRIES Cubbies, a restaurant in Beaufort, N.C., has dropped French from its fries, and French salad dressing is now "liberty" dressing

FRENCH WINE In Pennsylvania, state representative Stephen Barrar suggested barring sales of French wines. But top New York City wine seller Sherry-Lehmann says French bottles are selling well