Monday, Sep. 16, 2002
Does This Poll Make Me Look Fat?
For TIME's cover story "Cracking the Fat Riddle," we asked readers, "What diet do you think would help you lose the most weight?"
The Results:
55.1% Low-calorie 28.0% Low-fat 16.8% High-fat
For the past five years, senior editor Tony Karon has been writing thoughtful analysis of events in the Middle East for A native of Cape Town, South Africa, Karon moved to New York City in 1993 and worked at George magazine and before joining us. One of the most intriguing things about the current Iraq debate, he says, is how much it has been affected by the instantaneous connection of the Web. "You can see the debate play out in real time," Karon says. "Position papers posted one day are dissected on sites all over the world the next, and that actually influences policy."
Should We Attack Iraq?
That's topic a inside the beltway and on the nation's Op-Ed pages. Before you weigh in on the debate, dive into TIME's coverage of Saddam's regime, the Bush Administration's thinking and the consequences of action--and inaction. Read all Time's Iraq cover stories from the Gulf War to now, including the most recent, "The Sinister World of Saddam," and see our interactive map detailing how and where the U.S. might strike. At
Faces of Ground Zero In the days following 9/11, LIFE and TIME photographer Joe McNally took pictures of nearly 300 rescue workers and survivors with the world's largest Polaroid camera. The result was a moving record of the people at the WTC site and a traveling exhibit, "Faces of Ground Zero." The exhibit returns to New York City on Tuesday, Sept. 10. You can view the photos and watch a video about how they were made at
Gearing Up For School At we survey the best computers, peripherals, learning applications and websites for the back-to-school crowd. We also tell you how to find the best (and most fun) educational software and where to come down on the Mac vs. PC debate. Plus, get the lowdown on how to buy an MP3 player.
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