Monday, Jun. 17, 2002
Brother's Keeper
By Michael Peltier
Florida Governor Jeb Bush boasted last week, "I know someone in Washington" who will help expand the state's prescription-drug program. His confidence is well placed--his brother George carries a little weight in the capital, which might not hurt Jeb's chances for re-election. In fact, Florida seems to have done quite well by having a friend in the White House. Here are a number of examples that Jeb could cite. --By Michael Peltier
PRESCRIPTIONS By July, Washington is expected to grant Florida a waiver to expand its unique prescription-drug program, doubling the payout to low-income seniors
CUBA The President flew to Miami to assure critical Cuban-American voters that he will never ease the embargo on Fidel, though some Republicans would like to do exactly that
OIL LEASES Last summer Dubya took nearly 4.5 million acres of oil and gas leases in the eastern Gulf of Mexico off the market. Now he's buying back drilling rights near Pensacola
EVERGLADES The Federal Government accelerated an $8 billion plan to restore the Everglades wilderness, and will buy back oil and gas rights there as well, for $120 million
GERRYMANDERING The Justice Department agreed to a congressional redistricting plan that may give the G.O.P. an edge in 18 of 25 districts; Democrats make up half the voting population
ANTHRAX Soon after Jeb complained to Cabinet officials about inadequate response to the discovery of anthrax in south Florida, an FBI sleuth was sent by jet