Monday, Jun. 10, 2002
By Melissa August, Harriet Barovick, Elizabeth L. Bland, Roy B. White and Rebecca Winters
$2.7 billion Total sum Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi reportedly says he'll pay 270 families of victims of Pan Am Flight 103 if the U.S. and U.N. agree to lift sanctions against his country
$500 million Pan Am insurance settlement paid out to 270 victims' families in 1996
30% Percentage of young Californians who are overweight. The Oakland school district is rolling out the nation's first district-wide ban on selling junk food in school buildings
77% Percentage of young Californians considered out of shape
100 Estimated number of couches burned by drunken University of Colorado students in University Hill, a residential area in the college town of Boulder
$1,000 Amount of new local fine for keeping upholstered furniture on a porch or outdoors in University Hill
41% Percentage of Americans who think the U.S. is winning the war on terrorism
66% Percentage of Americans in January who thought the U.S. was winning the war on terrorism
Sources: Reuters, BBC, N.Y. Times, USA Today