Vol. 159 No. 14
The Doctor Is Armed
For Surgeon General, Bush picks a SWAT team veteran. Can he marshal the health-care troops?
How Much Is A Living Wage?
Inside the movement to boost minimum pay: It may ease poverty, but does it also cause job cutbacks?
In Hot Pursuit?
Why the FBI is going after the bad guys in Pakistan but the U.S. military won't
Season of Revenge
The inside story of how Israel imprisoned Arafat--and why the rage keeps burning
The Scene of the Siege
What Are They Thinking?
Inside the Minds of... Yasser Arafat, Ariel Sharon
Why We Blow Ourselves Up
A Palestinian doctor explains why so many of his people want to be martyrs
How the Trauma Takes Its Toll on Us
Two therapists tell how Israelis are trapped between vigilance and numbness
Worst-Case Scenario
The potential disaster: how the crisis could push the region's armies into a conflict beyond their control
An Olive Branch or a Stick?
In an interview with TIME's Scott MacLeod, Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal insists that the Arab League's peace initiative is the region's best hope
The Curious Case of Kava
Why did it take the FDA so long to finally sound the alarm?
Why It's Cool to Troll Through Time
(Trend Alert)
Slow Cooking For Fast Times
(Trend Alert / Kitchen)
Zen and the Art of Home Maintenance
(Trend Alert / Cleaning)
A Mini-Mall in Your ATM
New souped-up cash machines will soon sell you flowers, stamps, road maps and Lakers tickets
53 Years Ago in TIME
Mr. Quarantine, Meet Miss Liberty
Tracking the Anthrax Attacks
At Hand: A New Puppet Regime
When It Comes to DVDs, It's Not Over Till It's Over
The Thorn in His Side, Part II
(Hill Monitor)
Violence And Viewing
Bush, Blair and the "Eurowimps"
And in His 82nd Year, John Paul II Rested
As he cuts back on his papal duties, the Pontiff's frailty stirs talk of retirement
A Mum for All Seasons
Just a Hollywood Ending
Denzel and Halle made history. But the industry shouldn't congratulate itself yet
Has Harvey Lost His Way?
(The Arts / Show Business)
How a wandering mogul took MIRAMAX off course and plans to get it back on track
Skin Deep and Proud of It
(The Arts / Show Business)
Kylie Minogue is the quintessential pop lifer. And with her latest hit, she's looking better than ever
Did Video Kill the Rap CD?
(The Arts / Music)
R. Kelly and Jay-Z were poised to make hip-hop history until a disturbing tape upstaged them
Murder in Six Easy Steps
(The Arts / Television)
CSI arrived in 2000 with little attention. Now it's killing the competition. Let us count the reasons
Kings of Comedy
(The Arts)
BILLY WILDER 1906-2002 His movies were joyfully sardonic and still sparkle like champagne
Survivor Goes to Antarctica
(The Arts / Television)
A&E's Shackleton thaws out an explorer's legend
Heart, No Soul
(The Arts / Music)
Celine Dion sings about love, but does she feel it?
Death To Smoochy
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Danny DeVito
Throwing The Elephant: Zen And The Art Of Managing Up
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Stanley Bing
(The Arts / Short Takes)
When I Was Cruel
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Elvis Costello
Son Of The Bride
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Juan Jose Campanella
Are You Passionate?
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Neil Young
Gen Xers Aren't Slackers After All
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Yes, they draw down their 401(k) savings--but they invest in entrepreneurship and education
Spring Cleaning, No Mops
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
The messiest place in your house may be your hard drive. You don't do Windows? It's time to fix that
When Aspirin Doesn't Work
(Personal Time / Your Health)
It's a miracle drug for most, but doctors have discovered something new: aspirin resistance
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Your Technology
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Need Some Help Wiring Your Home?
(Time Bonus Section / Inside Business)
Everybody is competing to sell you a broadband network. But who will make it easier to install?
We're All the Boss
(Time Bonus Section / Inside Business)
Giving workers stock helps a firm only if it also gives them a say in how the place is run
Personal Chefs
(Time Bonus Section / Inside Business)
Busy households are hiring pros to cook for them at home
We'd Like to Know...
Some lingering questions from this year's Academy Awards
Read the story