Monday, Mar. 11, 2002

Like One Of The Guys

By Elizabeth L. Bland, Benjamin Nugent, Roy B. White, Rebecca Winters

The GENDER GAP that once existed in teen alcohol use is closing, according to a study by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. In 1991, 31% of boys and 22% of girls in 10th grade engaged in BINGE DRINKING, defined as having five or more drinks in a row. In 1999, 34% of boys and 31% of girls were binge drinkers. Though an early, eye-popping stat from the study--that underage drinkers consume 25% of all the nation's alcohol--turned out to be overstated (it's actually only half that), the problem is still huge: more than 5 million HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS are binge drinkers.