Monday, Oct. 22, 2001

For The Record

By Harriet Barovick, Elizabeth L. Bland and Sora Song

$1 million Cost of a Tomahawk cruise missile, 68 of which have been launched into Afghanistan

$3.95 Cost of one packet of humanitarian daily rations, 140,000 of which have been dropped into Afghanistan

$20,000 Bonus available to some Army recruits who enlist and ship out by Nov. 26

$800 Per capita GDP in Afghanistan

$5.32 Theoretical amount each Afghan child should receive if every American child under 15 sends in $1, as asked by the President

$54 billion Amount of federal aid requested by New York City in incentives, tax breaks and subsidies

$54 billion GDP of Peru

8.6% Increase in new prescriptions for anti-anxiety drugs nationally between Sept. 7 and Sept. 28

50% Increase in requests for applications for permanent visas at the Australian embassy since Sept. 11

100% Increase since Sept. 11 in requests for applications in Texas for licenses to carry a concealed weapon

Sources: Pentagon; Defense Supply Center Philadelphia and Pentagon; U.S. Army; CIA; U.S. Census and CIA; Office of the Mayor; World Bank; AP; Australian Embassy; AP