Vol. 158 No. 7
"We Must Proceed With Great Care"
(The Stem-Cell Decision)
In a 21st century speech on stem-cell funding, Bush budges and finds compromise. Will it work?
How Bush Got There
(The Stem-Cell Decision)
Months of debate--and one lucky break--led to the President's compromise. The inside story
The Bush Decision
(The Stem-Cell Decision)
And What About The Science?
(The Stem-Cell Decision)
Leon Kass
(The Stem-Cell Decision)
The Ethics Cop
Ecosystems Analyst
(America's Best / Ecology)
Peter Vitousek studies the entire planet by carefully observing what's happening to Hawaii
Power Broker
(America's Best / AIDS Research)
A meeting with AIDS activists at the height of the epidemic galvanized Anthony Fauci. He is now America's most tireless champion of their cause
The Case For David Ho
(America's Best)
He is one of the few scientists who still believe it's possible to eradicate HIV with drugs
Baby Monitor
(America's Best / Developmental Psychology)
By showing just how smart babies are, Elizabeth Spelke rewrote the book on infants and their thinking
Fossil Finder
(America's Best / Paleontology)
Complex life emerged with a bang 540 million years ago. Andrew Knoll wants to know why
Drug Deliveryman
(America's Best / Biomedical Engineering)
We used to take our medicine by tablespoon. Thanks to Robert Langer's engineering magic, we may someday take it in a chip
Super Surgeon
(America's Best / Pediatrics)
Ben Carson has made a specialty of overcoming long odds--in the operating theater and in his life
Gene Detective
(America's Best / Genomics)
The clever device Patrick Brown developed to screen a lot of DNA at once has turned out to be one of biology's most powerful tools
Heart Mender
(America's Best / Cardiology)
After cholesterol, the most important cause of heart attacks is the killer that Paul Ridker identified
The Iceman
(America's Best / Climatology)
As the globe warms, Lonnie Thompson is climbing the world's high peaks to retrieve ancient ice before it melts away
Mr. Universe
(America's Best / Astrophysics)
His restless intellect has taken David Spergel to the beginning of time and the edge of space--and back again
Man Hunter
(America's Best / Human Origins)
What did our earliest ancestors look like? Tim White's discoveries in Ethiopia are filling the gaps in the human family tree
Cancer Spotter
(America's Best / Oncology)
In cancer, early detection is key. David Sidransky is giving doctors the tools to catch tumors long before symptoms appear
E.O. Wilson
(America's Best / Lifetime Achievement Award)
From ants to sociobiology to biodiversity--one of the great careers in 20th century science
Protein Wizard
(America's Best / Molecular Mechanics)
Grasping and tugging molecules, Carlos Bustamante has mastered the esoteric art of teasing life into giving up its tiniest secrets
Stem Winder
(America's Best / Cellular Biology)
Before James Thomson came along, embryonic stem cells were a researcher's dream. Now they're a political hot potato
Mind Reader
(America's Best / Neurobiology)
The microscope is a pathway to the mind for Patricia Goldman-Rakic, who has spent the past 30 years immersed in the frontal lobe
Life Preserver
(America's Best / Cell Death)
With a tiny worm as his guide, H. Robert Horvitz traced a pattern of cell mortality that may be a key to human longevity
Nerve Builder
(America's Best / Spinal-Cord Research)
In the past, spinal-injury victims lost more than mobility--they lost hope too. Wise Young found a revolutionary way to give back both
America's Best
(America's Best)
Who says there are no Einsteins anymore? When it comes to SCIENCE AND MEDICINE, the U.S. is blessed with galaxies of brilliant researchers who are the envy of the world
Europe Goes To Pot
Technically, it is still illegal, but so many cannabis users flout the law that governments opt to go easy
The New Rules for Keeping Secrets
Priests and lawyers changed course last week, making it a little easier to speak out
A Nun's Dangerous Talk
The Vatican has banned even discussing female priests. That hasn't stopped Sister Joan Chittister
Hacker Highway
23 Years Ago In TIME
Bomb Accidents--An Israeli Plot?
(Page Two)
The Dog Days
Digging My Own Grave
The Aid Continues
Flash: Summer Is Hot
Oil In Alaska: Spread Out and Drill
(Page Two)
Busting Internet Porn, Ethically
(Page Two)
News Quiz
Our Scientific Method
Talking About My Generation
How our niche music evolved into niche marketing
AUGUST 13-20
Satellite Showdown
EchoStar's daring, dueling Charlie Ergen won't let Rupert Murdoch buy DirecTV without a fight
Throwing The E-Book At Him
A programmer is prosecuted for enabling users to break the security in reader software
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad Race
(The Arts / Cinema)
Whoopi Goldberg, Jon Lovitz, a cast of dozens and an Airplane! alumnus bring you the summer's funniest movie. But will moviegoers get the joke?
Good Old-Fashioned Lunacy
(The Arts / Cinema)
When Kids Fly Solo
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Airlines' "losing" children this summer has parents worried. But it's still safe to let your kids take off alone
How Bond Traders Hold Us Back
(Personal Time / Money In Motion)
Why aren't mortage rates falling? Because one group of Wall Streeters insists that things aren't getting worse
A Step or Two Against Diabetes
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Daily walks and modest weight loss may help many folks reduce their risk of developing the deadly disease
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Peterman Reboots
(Time Bonus Section / Your Business)
The quirky catalog owner lost everything, including his name, by overexpanding. Now he's back and plans to get big slowly
Take Your Medicine
(Time Bonus Section / Your Business)
HMOs are using a new service to manage their sickest patients
How Soon Fuel Cells?
(Time Bonus Section / Your Business)
The technology works well, but getting it to the market remains a struggle
Terminal Envy
(Time Bonus Section / Your Business)
J.F.K.'s snazzy new T-4 brings style back to New York's international gateway
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