Monday, Jun. 11, 2001

A Country of 24 Million

The united states of "Amexica" share more than a border and a common heritage: both sides welcome the benefits of trade but struggle with the pressures of growth


Mexicans are the predominant segment of Hispanics in the U.S. ...

Mexican 58% All other Hispanic 42%

...and Hispanics are the largest minority group in the U.S., transforming cities large and small.

Hispanics as a percentage of total population, by county

0% to 1% (951 counties) 1% to 10% (1,081) 11% to 25% (261) 26% to 50% (147) 51% to 75% (27) 76% to 100% (23)

Los Angeles 47% Rupert, Idaho 35% St. James, Minn. 24% Chicago 26% Dallas 36% New York City 27% Dalton, Ga. 40% Dodge City, Kans. 43%

SAN DIEGO/TIJUANA Combined population of more than 4 million. Busiest border crossing point

26% Combined pop. growth, 1990-2000

CALEXICO/MEXICALI Surging growth fuled by high concentration of factories, or maquiladoras, in Mexicali

73% Combined pop. growth, 1990-2000

DOUGLAS/AGUA PRIETA Towns along this part of the border are beset by tunnels, fences and the troubles of human smuggling

67% Combined pop. growth, 1990-2000

EL PASO/CIUDAD JUAREZ Combined population of about 2 million forms the largest border community

38% Combined pop. growth, 1990-2000

LAREDO/NUEVO LAREDO Busiest commercial crossing--more than 3 million trucks last year

43% Combined pop. growth, 1990-2000

MCALLEN/REYNOSA McAllen is the 4th fastest growing metro area in the U.S.

38% Combined pop. growth, 1990-2000


The Canadian border separates the U.S. from 31 million people; the Mexican border divides us from 97 million--or 440 million if you count all the way to Chile. So which is more important--and which has more impact?

Which of these neighboring countries--Canada or Mexico--do you think is more important to the U.S.?

Canada 45% Mexico 35% Same 10%

For each of the following, which country--Canada or Mexico--do you think has more of an impact on the U.S.? Canada Mexico

U.S. politics 34% 50% U.S. economy 27% 64% U.S. culture 26% 65%

Do you think it should be easier or harder for people to cross the border into the U.S. from...

Canada? Mexico?

Easier 15% 15% Harder 21% 53% About right 58% 25%

Would you encourage your children to learn Spanish?

Yes 78% No 20%

About the poll: From a telephone poll of 1,031 adult Americans taken for TIME/CNN on May 23-24 by Harris Interactive. Sampling error plus or minus 3.1%. "Not sures" omitted.

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau; Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Geografia e Informatica (Mexico)

To explore an interactive map of the border with video and audio clips, go to Keyword: New Frontier or AOL website