Monday, Apr. 23, 2001
By Kathleen Adams, Ann Marie Bonardi, Mitch Frank, Randy Hartwell, Benjamin Nugent, Joseph Pierro and Sora Song
TROY AIKMAN Gridiron great admits he's past prime, retires gracefully. Hope M.J. taped the press conference
CONTINENTAL AIRLINES Official carrier of returned spy crew. "Hostage class" seating available on all int'l flights?
HARVARD UNIVERSITY Tops nation's schools with $18.8 billion endowment. The Anna Nicole of the Ivy League
CHARLES LUKEN Cincinnati mayor lets riot go three days before acting. Hope unemployment office didn't burn
BRIGADE 2506 Bay of Pigs vets group expels two for visiting Cuba. Jealous someone finally made it ashore
ANGIE HARMON L&O babe quits NBC hit to try movie stardom. Did Shelley Long's career die in vain?