Monday, Apr. 16, 2001


By Kathleen Adams, Melissa August, Randy Hartwell, Ellin Martens, Joseph Pierro and Sora Song

27 Days of work missed in 1999 for someone with carpal-tunnel syndrome

18 Days away owing to amputation

9 Days away owing to tendonitis

1,665 Vote margin, in the latest tally, for Bush in Florida if the U.S. Supreme Court had sided with Democrats on allowing a hand recount of the undervotes

3 Vote margin in Gore's favor if the standard sought by Republicans had been applied

66,044 Gallons of alcohol imported last year by the Vietnamese embassy in Prague for its "internal needs"

1 Quart of booze per hour that each member of the embassy, including their families, would have had to drink

11 New planets outside the solar system that astronomers announced last week they have discovered

63 Total known planets outside the solar system

Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics; USA Today; Miami Herald; PRAVO;