Monday, Apr. 09, 2001

In Brief

By Lisa McLaughlin

BREAST-FEEDING ALERT This month's British Medical Journal warns that long-term breast-feeding of children may increase their chances of developing cardiovascular disease later in life. The Journal said that after studying 331 young adults, researchers found those who had nursed longer than four months had stiffer arteries than those bottle-fed or breast-fed only as newborns.

TEEN BETTING According to a study by Dr. Durand Jacobs, vice president of the National Council on Problem Gambling, 66% of teens have gambled in the past year. Four kids in an average middle or high school class may be battling a serious gambling problem. Teens are twice as likely as adults to become addicted to gambling, says the Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling. Most of the betting is on sports or card games, but growing numbers of kids are dabbling in lotteries and online gambling.

ELDER-CARE STRESSES According to research reported in the Academy of Management Journal, caring for elderly dependents is more of a strain for working families than child care. More than 14 million U.S. workers care for aging family members. They report higher levels of stress and lower work performance than workers whose dependents are children, and 25% miss at least one day of work a month to deal with care crises.

--By Lisa McLaughlin