Monday, Mar. 05, 2001

Kathy Griffin

By Joel Stein

Kathy Griffin is host of Kathy's So-Called Reality on MTV.

Q. How many weeks into being on Suddenly Susan did you start telling your friends you were just doing it for the money?

A. Two. It got to me more than I thought it would that the scripts were so s____y.

Q. How do you feel about being the cause of another half hour that MTV isn't showing videos?

A. That hurts. But I feel I have to talk to the kids. It's either my show or they're going to pick up guns.

Q. Hey, you have a boyfriend, right?

A. We just got married.

Q. Congratulations.

A. Don't tell me you didn't know about this, Joel. It was a whole event with a charity tie-in.

Q. Come on.

A. Sharon Stone asked me if I would ever host anything for AMFAR. So I said to my fiance, "Let's not register. I don't need towels and dishes. Let's get people to give to a charity instead."

Q. You know who you should have picked for a charity? Michael Douglas' kid.

A. I can't afford that charity. We decided on AMFAR. And because of that, PEOPLE covered it. I called some of the vendors and asked them where they'd want to be, and they said PEOPLE.

Q. It's oxymoronic, but has anyone used the phrase wedding whore?

A. Yes.

Q. If you and your husband were on Temptation Island, how long until I wormed my way into your pants?

A. I'm not even off the boat yet.

Q. You're just kissing up to me.

A. Yeah.

--By Joel Stein