Monday, Feb. 05, 2001


By Amanda Bower, Val Castronovo, Matthew Cooper, Randy Hartwell, Unmesh Kher, Benjamin Nugent, Julie Rawe, Chris Taylor and Josh Tyrangiel



AL GORE Lands job teaching at Columbia University's journalism school. Don't expect field trips to Miami

COLIN POWELL Lays down law, rouses State Dept. Might even get higher approval ratings than Clinton

JOHN MCCAIN Trent Lott okays campaign-finance debate in Senate. Incessant needling pays off


HILLARY CLINTON Other First Wives took gifts on the way out but usually not from pardoned fugitives' ex-wives

BLUE-FOOTED BOOBY Galapagos bird endangered by tanker oil spill. Man takes an evolutionary step backward

BRITNEY SPEARS Teen idol caught on tape cussing in front of live mike. Still, it worked for W.