Monday, Jan. 22, 2001


By Amanda Bower, Val Castronovo, Randy Hartwell, Ellin Martens, Julie Rawe, Joel Stein, Chris Taylor and Josh Tyrangiel



OSAMA BIN LADEN Terror chief all smiles at son's nuptials. CIA reps among the few without directions to wedding

RICHARD HOLBROOKE Outgoing U.N. guy scores at buzzer: Jesse Helms to pay U.S. dues. Next: stone bleeds

DEAN KAMEN Egghead gets $250K for book on secret invention. Is "IT" a publisher-scamming device?


LINDA CHAVEZ Edged out after W. stays mum. Future "houseguests" not likely to find a welcome mat

JAMES RIADY Raised $1M for Clinton in '92; now must pay $8.6M fine. Still a better investment than NASDAQ

SOCKS Clintons mull ditching feline over conflict with Buddy. Time for cat to write tell-all memoir