Vol. 157 No. 1
Turnaround Guy
(Economic Slowdown)
In Paul O'Neill, Bush found someone who's not afraid to dig into the details and speak his mind
The Wrong Choice for Justice
Ashcroft will ignite the most furious nomination fight since Bork and Tower
At Home With Laura
Loyal but self-assured, the next First Lady is going to surprise us, says a journalist who knows her well
Living Well Is Her Best Revenge
Hillary's new Washington digs are as grand as her ambition
Portrait Of A Killer
In the wake of a massacre, police and the courts attempt to trace the strange journey of Michael McDermott
Mr. Missile Shield
(Meanwhile, At The Pentagon...)
A Bridge To Peace
Inside President Clinton's last-minute stab at a deal: with the clock ticking, he sets a hard line
Birth of A Nation
Demolished by a decade of civil war, Somalia is trying to creep back to normality
Serbia's New Man
A TIME Field Guide
Friendly Skies
At $3 million, the ultimate in billionaire protection
Noah's New Ark
The imminent birth of a cloned gaur signals a new approach to preservation
Path of A Falling Star
Mark Chmura, the onetime Mr. Clean of the Green Bay Packers, fights for his freedom and to clear his name against an ugly charge of sexual assault
Plan B from Cyberspace
A growing number of websites are going back to the future. The new horizon: old-fashioned print
Gore 2001
Tokyo Teens Flock to Flick--Art Imitates Life?
2001 Date Odyssey
Doubting Thomas
Give & Give Back
C'est La Vice
For Mitterrand's Son, a Holiday Season in Prison
News Quiz
Then & Now
The Potent Perils Of a Miracle Drug
OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but officials fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street
What I'll Miss About Bill Clinton
Sure, he gave us a million jokes, but the best part was the way he ran off cliffs
Is A Tax Cut The Right Remedy?
(Economic Slowdown)
George W. Bush sees a downturn ahead. And he has one idea in particular about what to do
This Time It's Different
(Economic Slowdown)
Forget the dotcom collapse. The first real slowdown of the New Economy has arrived. And it comes with its own set of rules
How To Navigate The Storm
(Economic Slowdown)
If you own stocks, the worst is over. Now grab some bargains on cars, mortgages and new investments
The Penny Pincher In Chief
(Economic Slowdown)
The New College Try
(Education Special Report)
Universities are working to improve public schools and to prepare more poor and minority kids for higher education
Graded By My Students
(Education Special Report)
Through some dubious teaching techniques, I've learned to win good evaluations from my classes
Quick Study
(Education Special Report / Quick Study)
Learning to Skate--but Not Like Her
(Education Special Report / Continuing Education)
The instructor eases up from her elegant glide and commands, "Now you!"
Build It Yourself
(Education Special Report / The Next Step)
The Church as Sinner
(The Arts / Books)
A new book claims that Christianity, not just bad Christians, is to blame for persecution of the Jews
Soderbergh's Choice
(The Arts / Cinema)
The director hits homers with Erin Brockovich and Traffic, thus facing off against himself in the Oscar race
The Winners' Tales
(The Arts / Cinema)
Three ambitious films are critics' pets. But just how good are they?
Fascinating Rhythms
(The Arts / Television)
Jazz, Ken Burns' brilliant 10-part history of the music and its makers, hits all the high notes
Caution: Gridlock Ahead
(The Arts / Cinema)
Coed Sleepovers
(Personal Time / Your Family)
If your teen asks you to hold one, the easiest response is to just say no. If that doesn't work...
Hooked Again
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Beware of websites offering free games. Unless you want to end up like me, an Alchemy junkie
Feel No Pain
(Personal Time / Your Health)
What you need to know about the new rules for treating pain at hospitals and other facilities
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Technology)