Monday, Dec. 18, 2000

15 Who Had Their 15

Every year, by ambition or by accident, they catapult across the pop-culture consciousness, burning through their 15 minutes of fame. 2000's bumper crop of accidental/incidental celebs is the usual motley crew of marauding children, incompetent athletes, television brides and dippy politicians. Take a good look--they won't be back next year.

ERIC MOUSSAMBANI In 1:52.72, the Equatorial eel proved that nearly drowning merits more press than winning.

PETS.COM SOCK PUPPET His company may have folded, but he lives on to annoy another day.

KATHERINE HARRIS Cruella De Vil or Catherine the Great? In two weeks, no one's gonna care.

DONATO DALRYMPLE "Fisherman" who saved Elian turned out to be a handyman who just sort of liked hanging out with the tyke.

ALAN KEYES Got the 15 min. he's allotted every four years.

ANANOVA Who needs an artificial Internet newscaster with Sam Donaldson still alive and kicking?

RICK ROCKWELL & DARVA CONGER Was there ever a moment's doubt he would end up playing cheap comedy clubs and she would end up naked?

SEAN KENIFF Dopey doctor stuck by his alphabetical voting system, proving that on Survivor, even the brain surgeon was an idiot.

ADAM CLYMER Did the New York Times reporter's invite to the ranch get lost? Big Time!

BAHA MEN Dogs are out. Time to join Right Said Fred on the bus to oblivion.

LUTHER AND JOHNNY HTOO Leaders of Myanmar rebel group are the Olsen twins of organized mayhem.

RICK LAZIO Quayle-in-the-headlights landed Hillary in the Senate and himself back in obscurity.

BRAZILIAN MODELS Gisele Bundchen led fashion's busty mannequins of choice. Vogue reports that designers are already scouting new ethnicities.