Monday, Nov. 06, 2000


By Val Castronovo, Matthew Cooper, Daren Fonda, Daniel S. Levy, Benjamin Nugent, Julie Rawe, Sora Song and Josh Tyrangiel



DEREK JETER Yankee slugger secures MVP award for Subway Series. It's time for your own Wheaties box

CARL REINER 2,000-year-old man gets Kennedy Center fete. And you never did the blue stuff, kid!

BOB FRANKS Shocker: G.O.P. N.J. Sen. wannabe gets NYT backing. Could be the Senate upset


ROBERT GUEI Ivory Coast strongman ousted, but, alas, there's no guarantee that democracy will follow

STEVE BALLMER Dude, like, hackers broke through your Windows. Bet it was that Joel Klein guy

CLEMENT CLARKE MOORE Prof doubts you wrote Night Before Xmas. As long as you kept movie rights, yer O.K.