Monday, Oct. 30, 2000

In Brief

By Lisa McLaughlin

MISUNDERSTOOD TOTS A new study finds that most parents believe six-month-old infants can be spoiled if you pick them up too often (they can't), and that a 15-month-old is mature enough to share toys (wrong again). Unrealistic expectations can cause stress for both parents and children and may be responsible for the growing number of tots who are overly aggressive and easily frustrated.

SUNNY BABIES A child's birth date can have a profound effect on the rest of his or her life--and not just astrologically. A Missouri State University study reports that children born from January through March are more likely than other kids to suffer depression and anxiety later in life. Part of this can be attributed to the effect of seasonal affective disorder on the mother during pregnancy. There may also be a nutritional link: in the winter, mothers tend to eat too many carbohydrates and too few veggies and proteins.

OUT OF SHAPE Even as the number of overweight children increases, many schools are reinforcing unhealthy habits by cutting back on gym classes. Physical education is meant to provide exercise and encourage lifetime fitness, but a recent study found that only 26% of high schools require at least three years of phys ed. It's worse in lower grades: California middle schoolers get only 25 minutes of physical activity a week.

--By Lisa McLaughlin