Monday, Oct. 02, 2000
By Melissa August, Val Castronovo, Matthew Cooper, Daren Fonda, Ling Minhua, Belinda Luscombe, Ellin Martens, Benjamin Nugent, Gary Roberts and Julie Rawe
$73 million Cost to taxpayers of bailing out Madison Guaranty, the savings and loan at the heart of the Whitewater scandal
$58.4 million Cost to taxpayers (so far) of six-year federal investigation of the Clintons' role in the scandal, which ended last week without charges
$4,070 Average itemized charitable contribution of Mississippi residents, the highest in the nation
$2,645 Average itemized charitable contribution of Massachusetts residents, the lowest in the nation
49, 4 Where each state ranks on a list of residents' average gross income
$600,000 Top price of an ad on NBC during prime-time Olympics coverage
2 Extra ads NBC is airing per hour to compensate advertisers for low ratings
60% People who washed their hands after using bathrooms at two New York City train stations in 1996
49% People who do so today after a four-year "clean hands" campaign
Sources: New York Times, New York Daily News; AP (3)