Monday, Oct. 02, 2000

News Quiz

By Melissa August, Val Castronovo, Matthew Cooper, Daren Fonda, Ling Minhua, Belinda Luscombe, Ellin Martens, Benjamin Nugent, Gary Roberts and Julie Rawe

1. Pat Buchanan returned to the campaign trail last week after:

a) Gall bladder and gallstone surgeries b) Receiving $12.6 million in federal campaign money c) No one realized he had been gone d) All of the above

2. How did college officials alter this picture?

a) Students were promised beer to look happy b) Student giving the finger was airbrushed out c) Black student was airbrushed in

3. A court in British Columbia upheld the barring of a book titled:

a) One Dad, Two Dads, Brown Dads, Blue Dads b) Horton Hears a Homosexual c) Oh, The Places You'll Go--On Acid d) Hop on Pop

4. Due to overcrowding, a French town has made it illegal to:

a) Have three kids b) Die without a cemetery plot c) Be nice to tourists d) Invite Gerard Depardieu over for dinner

5. Who is being sued for a "willful disregard for the rights of males"?

a) Playgirl b) Smith College c) The Girl Scouts d) The Nat'l Assoc. of Circumcisers

ANSWERS: 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b, 5-c