Monday, Sep. 25, 2000

A Real McDamper

By Val Castronovo, Matt Cooper, Daren Fonda, Barry Hillenbrand, Belinda Luscombe, Ben Nugent, Julie Rawe, Eric Roston, Chia-ying Tsai, Josh Tyrangiel

The egg-and-bacon sandwich is an Aussie favorite. Damper bread is a source of native pride. McDonald's managed to insult both. The official restaurant of the 2000 Games took exception to an Olympic Park restaurant's putting an egg-and-bacon damper sandwich on its menu. Calling it an Egg McMuffin rip-off, the double-arched bully demanded that the homegrown dish be banned. A compromise was struck; the offending sandwich will be served on hot-dog buns. Corporate muscle, 1; indigenous cuisine, 0.