Monday, Aug. 28, 2000


63% More activity recorded in the brain of people with an Alzheimer's-related gene while doing memory tests, even years before they show outward signs of the disease

91% Chance people with two copies of the gene will develop Alzheimer's

63% Decrease in hours that lawyers at the nation's top-grossing firms spent on pro bono cases, from 1992 to 1999

18 Number of the 100 firms surveyed whose lawyers met the American Bar Association's recommendation of 50 or more hours of pro bono work in 1999

256 billion Number of coupons distributed in 1999

4.7 billion Number of coupons redeemed

61% Children living with both biological parents who have had a medical checkup within the past year

46% Children living with a stepmother who have had the same

Sources: New England Journal of Medicine and Reuters; New York Times; Promotion Marketing Association; New York Times