Monday, Jul. 24, 2000

An Rx For Pills--And Politics

By Dick Thompson/Washington

High drug costs are infuriating voters and spurring politicians to roll out remedies. Not surprisingly, the congressional Republican plan leans on the market, while the Clinton plan serves up a new entitlement. A centrist measure from G.O.P. Senator William Roth seeks to bridge the divide. Is a deal possible? In theory, yes. The money is there--or at least is projected to be. And the philosophical differences, although stark, aren't ones that either side holds that dear. Alas, the fighting will probably continue as each side tries to score political points. Complicating matters: the drug plan is linked to other pricey issues, including the G.O.P. yearning to cut the so-called marriage-penalty and estate taxes. (Clinton won't accept the tax cuts without a drug plan.) In Washington, it seems, nothing is ever easy.

--Dick Thompson/Washington