Monday, Jul. 17, 2000

Ask Dr. Notebook

By Melissa August, Val Castronovo, Matthew Cooper, Rachel Dry, Michael Jackson, Unmesh Kher, Julie Rawe, John Rosenblatt, Joel Stein and Josh Tyrangiel

Q: On a recent flight, I found the manicotti too darn spicy. I plan to travel a lot this summer and wonder how I can avoid such gastric discomfort?

A: Just call ahead and request a bland meal. That's right--along with kosher and vegetarian choices, most airlines offer a bland meal. For breakfast, it might include a muffin and unsalted margarine, and for dinner some lean chicken and perhaps a pear half or two. And yes, you can get a first-class version as well, which is bland in the most deluxe way.

Q: I love peanut butter, but sometimes having to stick the knife in the jar seems so labor intensive. Is there an easier way to make lunch?

A: Help is on the way. Food researchers at Oklahoma State University have created individually wrapped slices of peanut butter, and Smucker's new line of frozen peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches is already available in some cities. Should you tire of this lunchbox classic, StarKist's new vacuum-packed tuna pouches mean you don't have to expend any effort draining juice from a can. To eat it, though, you'll still need a utensil. Not so with IncrEdibles' microwavable macaroni and cheese on a stick or its push-pop scrambled eggs. You'll appreciate the strength you save.