Monday, Apr. 24, 2000


By Val Castronovo, Matthew Cooper, Lina Lofaro, Desa Philadelphia, Alain L. Sanders, Flora Tartakovsky and Josh Tyrangiel

$10 million Amount the Smithsonian Institution will pay a Chinese wildlife fund to rent two giant pandas for 10 years

$28 million Compensation the U.S. paid for bombing damage to the Chinese embassy in Belgrade in which three people were killed and 27 injured

26% Advantage George W. Bush holds over Al Gore among voters living in households with a gun

6% Advantage held by Gore over Bush in households without a gun

23.6% Major League Baseball players on opening-day rosters who were born outside the U.S., a new high

9.4% Major leaguers who hail from the Dominican Republic, the most from any country besides the U.S.

11:1 Ratio of the average salary of a Japanese CEO to that of a Japanese blue-collar worker

476:1 Ratio of the average salary of an American CEO to that of an American blue-collar worker

Sources: The New York Times; USA Today; Gallup; AFL-CIO