Vol. 155 No. 14
Caught in a Trap?
To keep Elian Gonzalez from being returned to his father, Miami's Cuban exiles are threatening violent resistance
The Perils Of... Ethnic Politics
Targeting a Gunmaker
Smith & Wesson broke ranks with its industry by settling with the feds. Now it's paying the price
Playing Power Politics
(Campaign 2000)
The TVA has been an economic engine for Al Gore's home state. It has also been a boon for his friends
Groping Generals
The Army's top female officer charges harassment
No Man's Land
Hizballah is driving Israel from Lebanon. It wants even more power. An exclusive look inside
Inside a Land of Great Charm and Even Greater Chaos
(Lebanon Journal)
Russia's Dick Morris
Gleb Pavlovsky helped "invent" Vladimir Putin. Then he got him elected President. Here's how
Unkindest Cut?
Most moms don't need a minor surgery to deliver
The Feds Step Up the Pace
In the hot race to wrap up the human genome, government mappers say they're two-thirds home
Classroom for Hotheads
Anger management is the trendy remedy for criminals as well as mere cranks. Does it work?
Sipowicz Goes Cyber
As Internet crime proliferates, local cops--most of them young--pioneer a new beat on the Web
The CIA Seeks Good Geeks
(Crime / Espionage)
Ask Dr. Notebook
The Family Way
And While Cycling, Watch Out for Tasmanian Devils
Hey, Buddy, Watch the Shoes!
You Smell So Geometric (Is That Ralph?)
Complex Hand Signals
Rooting Around
Skip This
Visions 21: Our Minds, Our Universe
The View from the Cafeteria
Microsoft employees don't recognize themselves in the government's suit
News Quiz Crossword
(News Quiz Crossword)
Tax-Time Indicators
(Tax-Time Indicators)
The Network Effect
Cisco, only 10 years old, is emerging as the world's most valuable firm. Welcome to the post-PC market
Clicking on the Canvas
(The Arts / Online)
A new exhibit of Net art is good, strange fun
Blood At The Root
(The Arts / Photography)
In a shattering new photo book and exhibition, the atrocity that was lynching is held up to the light
Live...from the Brink
(The Arts / Television)
With Fail Safe, an ambitious, live cold war drama, George Clooney is after that old-time video magic
Surfin' That '00s Show
(The Arts / Online)
Fox's '70s celebrates itself with a weekly webcast
Two-Hit Wonders
(The Arts / Music)
Out of the spotlight for nearly three years, No Doubt returns to prove pop can grow older gracefully
The Subcontinentals
(The Arts / Books)
Young, internationally savvy Indian writers are making smart, splashy literary debuts
The Hole In Judy's Heart
(The Arts / Books)
A candid new bio details Garland's tumultuous life
A Teacher's Pet With Fangs
(The Arts / Books)
The ivory tower is no refuge in Francine Prose's darkly comic new novel
The Date from Hell
(The Arts / Theater)
Boy meets girl. Boy stalks girl. Rebecca Gilman puts us on edge
Nostalgic Obsessions
(The Arts / Cinema)
John Cusack shines as a lovelorn record-store owner in the comedy High Fidelity
Visions of the Blind
(The Arts / Cinema)
A beautiful child seeks God in the Iranian epic The Color of Paradise
A Fine Day at The Races
(The Arts / Books)
Wide-ranging novelist Jane Smiley turns her attention to the horse track
Block That Hug
(Personal Time / Your Family)
The rules on touching children have changed for parents who volunteer as coaches or tutors
How Much Risk?
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Too few tech stocks are as bad as too many. Here's how to set up an all-weather portfolio
The Yolk's on Us
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Buried deep within your software's code, Easter eggs are subversive and fun. Crack one open
Cutting Stealth Flab
(Personal Time / Your Health)
That winter baggage may be less than you thought. Still, it's spring, so here's how to lose it
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Family)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Like Father, Like Son
(Time Select / Global Business)
Hong Kong's Richard Li takes over a telecom giant and steps away from the shadow of billionaire Li Ka-shing
Help Wanted: Leaders
(Time Select / Global Business)
China may abound in entrepreneurial spirit, but it badly lacks skilled managers. Foreigners are helping provide those M.B.A.s
Scents Of Change
(Time Select / Global Business)
In a flooded fragrance marketplace, companies are seeking ways to bring customers to the counters--and secure market share
Gray is Good
(Time Select / Global Business)
In the dotcom world, experienced managers used to be sneered at as suits. But the need for their skills is growing--and so is respect
Dark-Horse Jockey
(Time Select / Global Business)
As the sole U.S. venture capitalist working in India's equivalent of Silicon Valley, Norman Prouty is able to burn up the track
Anita Santiago
(People To Watch)
Will We Live On Mars?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
If we flew on the cheap and lived off the Red Planet's resources, we could be a two-world species within a generation
Will We Take Vacations In Space?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Why tickets for a two-hour flight are going for $98,000
Will We Meet E.T.?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Most scientists used to believe that we would eventually encounter extraterrestrial life, even if it were microscopic. Now they're not so sure
Will A Killer Asteroid Hit The Earth?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Eventually, yes. But we don't have to take it lying down. Already astronomers are scanning the skies and preparing to defend the planet
Will The Mind Figure Out How The Brain Works?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Understanding how neurons operate is one thing; understanding how they make us the conscious beings we are is another matter
Will We Keep Evolving?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
As we spend more time online, our brains will get bigger and our eyes weaker, right? Wrong. That's not how evolution works
Will There Be Anything Left To Discover?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Is the great era of scientific inquiry over? Have all the big theories been formulated and important discoveries made--leaving future scientists nothing but fine tuning? Or is the real fun about to be
Will We Have A Final Theory Of Everything?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Tying together relativity and quantum physics might require 10-dimensional "string"-or something even stranger
Will We Discover Another Universe?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Physicists, exploring science's most arcane equations, have discovered what may be
Will We Clone A Dinosaur?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
If you use DNA taken from its myriad winged descendants, the idea is not as farfetched as it first appears
Will We Travel Back (Or Forward) In Time?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Einstein proved we can travel forward by moving near light speed. Backward requires a wormhole, cosmic string and a lot of luck
How Will The Universe End? (With A Bang or A Whimper?)
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
The fate of the cosmos is not fiery cataclysm, say the latest telescopic observations, but a gradual descent into eternal, frigid darkness
Will Anyone Ever Run A 3 Minute Mile?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Athletes are getting better and better, but is there a limit to human performance? If so, when will we reach it?
Will We Control The Weather?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Actually, we already do, and the results have not been good. The trick will be to devise a way to undo the damage
Can We Save California?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Predicting earthquakes is one thing; preventing them would be something else
Will Someone Build A Perpetual Motion Machine?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Getting something for nothing may violate fundamental laws of physics--but that won't keep inventors from trying
Travel At The Speed Of Light?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Visions 21 Space & Science
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Will We Travel To The Stars?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Interplanetary travel is child's play compared with interstellar travel. Nonetheless, we could make the journey--just not any time soon
Will We Figure Out How Life Began?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
We may determine what started it all--but that might not tell us whether life was inevitable or just a lucky accident
Get Rid Of Cockroaches?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
Reach Absolute Zero?
(Visions 21 / Science & Space)
We Need to Know...
The Oscar ceremony is over, but questions remain
Read the story