Vol. 154 No. 27
New Year's Evil?
Federal agents are scrambling to stop a new Y2K worry: terror
Russia's Election Surprise
Putin gets a boost as a new centrist party scores a coup
Entombed In The Mud
Tragedy in Venezuela: rain mixes with poverty
Watch What You Eat
Can consumer power save the planet?
Light Trucks And Dirty Air
New rules will require SUVs to clean up their act
Notebook Of The Century
(Notebook Of The Century)
Why The Stock Market Keeps Rising
(Notebook Of The Century)
(Notebook Of The Century / Milestones)
(Notebook Of The Century / Eulogy)
When Centuries Collide
Spirits haunt the millennium's last hours as a new global order takes shape
Writers For The Century
Resolutions Without The Guilt
Don't get bogged down by Y2K gravitas. Your duty is to keep it trivial
Wall Street's Deep Throat
A banker is charged with passing tips to an X star
Laundered And Hung Out To Dry
Feds use a bogus stock firm to nab traffickers
Christmas Postponed
After the big e-holiday: a mountain of packages, a blizzard of complaints
Indicators Of The Century
(Indicators Of The Century)
Poor Grade For Vouchers
A judge flunks Cleveland's use of vouchers for parochial schools. But will that stall the movement?
A Halfway Win For Gay Couples
(Vermont Ruling)
The Odd Fellows
(The Arts / Cinema)
The unconventional life of Andy Kaufman proves perfect for Hollywood's Boswells of the offbeat
A Paean To A Pop Postmodernist
(The Arts / Cinema)
People Of The Century
(People Of The Century)
TIME's Atlas Of The Millennium
(Person Of The Century)
Who Mattered And Why
(Person Of The Century)
Albert Einstein
(Person Of The Century)
(1879-1955) He was the pre-eminent scientist in a century dominated by science. The touchstones of the era--the Bomb, the Big Bang, quantum physics and electronics--all bear his imprint
A Brief History of Relativity
(Person Of The Century)
What is it? How does it work? Why does it change everything? An easy primer by the world's most famous living physicist
Unfinished Symphony
(Person Of The Century)
Strings may do what Einstein finally failed to do: tie together the two great irreconcilable ideas of 20th century physics
The Age Of Einstein
(Person Of The Century)
He became, almost despite himself, the emblem of all that was new, original and unsettling in the modern age
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(Person Of The Century / Runners-Up)
(1882-1945) He raised the edifice of the American Century by restoring a nation's promise of plenty and by intervening to save a world enveloped in darkness
Captain Courageous
(Person Of The Century / Runners-Up)
The U.S. President weighs F.D.R.'s legacy and finds timeless fortitude, persistence and respect for the common man
The TIME Centennial News Quiz
(Century In Review)
Mohandas Gandhi
(Person Of The Century)
(1869-1948) In an age of empire and military might, he proved that the powerless had power and that force of arms would not forever prevail against force of spirit
The Sacred Warrior
(Person Of The Century)
The liberator of South Africa looks at the seminal work of the liberator of India
The Children Of Gandhi
(Person Of The Century)
His strategy of nonviolence has spawned generations of spiritual heirs around the world
The Web We Weave
(Person Of The Century / The Future)
We've had the Internet in many forms over the centuries, creating a collective mind that thinks faster and faster
The Arts: 100 Years Of Attitude
(Person Of The Century)
How modernism became classic and how modernity is racing beyond everyone's grasp
TIME Picks A Person Of Each Century, From 1000 To 1900 William The Conqueror
(Person Of The Century / The Most Important People Of The Millennium)
(c. 1027-1087) The Norman took what he believed was his--England--and pioneered state bureaucracy amid Europe's chaos
(Person Of The Century / The Most Important People Of The Millennium)
(c. 1138-1193) The Kurdish adventurer proved to the Crusaders that God had no trouble favoring an "infidel"
Genghis Khan
(Person Of The Century / The Most Important People Of The Millennium)
(c.1167-1227) The world conqueror swept through Asia like an apocalypse and set in motion forces more powerful than the sword
(Person Of The Century / The Most Important People Of The Millennium)
(c. 1267-1337) With his brush, the severity of religious icons melted into warm humanity, and the face of the Godlike became the face of man
Johann Gutenberg
(Person Of The Century / The Most Important People Of The Millennium)
(c. 1395-1468) The obscure printer's innovation kindled reformations and a yet unfinished information revolution
Queen Elizabeth I
(Person Of The Century / The Most Important People Of The Millennium)
(1533-1603) The goddess of the Reformation defeated Europe's greatest power and set Britain on its epic journey to empire
Isaac Newton
(Person Of The Century / The Most Important People Of The Millennium)
(1642-1727) His scientific search for a grand design in the universe overturned ancient assumptions
Thomas Jefferson
(Person Of The Century / The Most Important People Of The Millennium)
(1743-1826) A political visionary's "expression of the American mind" still inspires revolution around the world
Thomas Edison
(Person Of The Century / The Most Important People Of The Millennium)
(1847-1931) His inventions not only reshaped modernity but also promised a future bounded only by creativity
The Necessary Evil?
(Person Of The Century)
Why all Adolf Hitler's destructiveness is not enough to make him Person of the Century
The Best Of The Century
(Person Of The Century)
Our Evolving Culture
(Person Of The Century)
A short history of four simple ideas and how they changed the way we dream, travel, learn and walk
Read the story