Monday, Dec. 20, 1999
Who Should Be the Person of the Century?
By Boris Yeltsin; Donna E. Shalala
TIME's series of special issues on the 100 most influential people of the 20th century will culminate with our Dec. 31 issue, when we name the Person of the Century. Throughout the year, to help the magazine's editors make the choice, we have asked a select group of people to tell us whom they would pick. Here are the final intriguing nominations:
ANDREI SAKHAROV For me this scientist, thinker and humanist is the Person of the Century. He was not a professional politician, but heads of state and the world's leading politicians paid attention to his words. Sakharov was an instrumental member of the team that created the [Soviet] hydrogen bomb, but he was also one of the first people to realize the danger posed to humanity by nuclear weapons. Moved by his conscience and his ethical convictions, academician Sakharov dared to publicly challenge the all-powerful machine of the totalitarian state. In the hardest years of the Soviet system, he was not afraid to raise his voice in defense of the oppressed and persecuted. He helped many of us take a new look at our own country and at the way we live. I knew him personally, and he influenced my views. Sakharov was the real spiritual father of democratic change in Russia. I am intensely aware of how much we miss his wisdom, firmness and humanity today. I am grateful to fate that I had the chance to know Andrei Dmitriyevich and work alongside him. --Boris Yeltsin, President of Russia
BORN May 21, 1921 1948-53 Develops first Soviet H-bomb 1957-74 Speaks against dangers of nuclear testing 1975 Wins Nobel Prize for Peace 1980 Banished to Gorky for his protests 1986 Exile ended 1989 Dies in Moscow
NELSON MANDELA In a century that has produced so many leaders of unconscionable evil, I am proud to nominate as Person of the Century one who helped reaffirm our basic faith in humanity: former South African President Mandela. After suffering more than 25 years in prison, Mandela could easily have answered the brutality of apartheid with violence and hate. Instead, he responded with an unwavering vision of peace and reconciliation. By transcending the horrors of his time, he not only brought freedom to South Africa, he also reflected the very best of the human spirit. I've had an opportunity during my work to see the results of hate, hopelessness and despair. Through his unique, moral leadership, Mandela has succeeded in reminding America--and the world--that, together, we can do better. --Donna E. Shalala, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
BORN July 18, 1918 1944 Joins the antiapartheid African National Congress 1962-90 In prison for high treason 1991 Becomes president of A.N.C. 1994 Elected South Africa's President 1999 Retires from presidency