Monday, Dec. 06, 1999
By Harriet Barovick, Val Castronovo, Matthew Cooper, Mitch Frank, Daniel Levy, Michele Orecklin, Alice Park, Desa Philadelphia, Hope Reeves and Owen Thomas
$35.5 million Amount Richard Nixon's estate says the late President's private papers--including 40 million pages of text and 3,700 hours of tapes--are worth
$2.2 million Amount the government says it will pay for the collection--or less than 6[cents] a page
6 months Time the two sides have spent in court arguing the difference
$615,000 Property damage caused by bears in Yosemite National Park in 1998
$208,000 Damage done in 1999, after rangers instituted a bear-control program that focused on changing human, not ursine, behavior
$1.5 million Amount the nonprofit Yosemite Fund donated to bankroll the program
$15,000 Amount a Florida restaurateur agreed to pay an African-American couple for arbitrarily adding a 15% gratuity to their bill and claiming that "black people don't tip well"
53% Percentage of African Americans who have experienced some form of racial discrimination
Sources: Reuters, Associated Press, Washington Post, TIME/CNN poll