Monday, Nov. 22, 1999
Komedy Korner
By Harriet Barovick, Val Castronovo, Mitchell Frank, Tam Gray, Desa Philadelphia, Julie Rawe, Hope Reeves, Chris Taylor and Owen Thomas
BIG CHILL Bill Clinton plans to fulfill a lifelong dream by traveling to Antarctica this year, thus becoming the first President to visit the chilly continent. When we heard this, we called comedians for a Clinton-in-Antarctica joke.
This should not affect Bill Clinton because he has been living in a deep freeze in his bedroom in the White House for over a year now. --David Brenner
They don't get a lot of news in Antarctica. It's the only place where mothers will allow their daughters to be introduced to President Clinton. --Marc DeCarlo
Now that things are winding down for him, it's nice that he has time for things like ribbon-cutting ceremonies at Starbucks. --Lynn Harris